How to Guide

How to Get Your Free Google Gemini API Key?

We extend our gratitude to Google for generously providing access to their Gemini models API key free of charge to everyone for personal use.

The Gemini API key gives you access to Gemini models created by Google DeepMind. 

Here are the instructions to obtain your free Gemini API key in three basic steps:

Step 2: Login with your Google account.

Step 3: Create an API key.

Create a new google cloud project or select your existing google cloud project with no billing account.

Step 4: Create OR Select Your google cloud project with no billing account.

Copy your Gemini API Key and Save it properly.

Step 6: Copy and Save your Gemini API Key properly.

Vinayak Patel is the developer of "Virtual Teacher"
Follow Vinayak on Twitter @vinayakchronicl